Thursday, July 19, 2012

Praying on a Bus

Often busses don’t leave when they are scheduled to. They will sit around for hours until the bus fills up. I have sat on the Mzuzu-Lilongwe bus waiting for hours longer than the bus ride itself. Transports a b*tch in Africa. But it’s always a good sign after an obscenely long wait when one of the many Reverend passengers stands up and bows his head in prayer. The engine turns off, the whole bus quiets down, everyone bows their head. The Reverend will go on and on, a Jesus here, an Ufumu, or Lord, there. Everyone’s praying for a safe journey, which is sweet, and a nice practice, and would only happen in public transport in a missionary-ized place like Malawi. They can ask Jesus for a safe trip and all, but I’m bowing my head in thanks that we’re about to leave the bus depot, f’ing finally.

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