Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Group Presentations

So while I was off flouncing around in Europe with the family, I didn’t want to leave my Form 3 students with nothing to do in Biology. Math was easy to get a substitute for, but nobody teaches Biology as well as I do…considering I’m the only one who understands high school Biology in the school. So I gave the class their first group project, to be completed while I was away. Each group was responsible for presenting on a common disease afflicting Malawi. On top of lecturing the class, they had to present a drama, or skit, about their disease, which Malawians are all about. They LOVE their dramas. LOVE them. They will perform a drama about literally anything. I once saw a drama performed about natural medicine. Nothing specific, just the concept of natural medicine. In it, there was a man playing dead, a rock star, a traditional healer, and a hysterical woman. I didn’t really get it. Anyway, my kids’ dramas were hilarious! I shoulda filmed them. In the Malaria drama, one kid’s only role was to play a mosquito. He buzzed around and poked people. In the Polio drama one kid played a virus, he wiggled around the room and infected people by tickling them. In the AIDS drama, everyone died. The AIDS group actually took the cake with a condom demonstration, complete with a wooden penis model and a discussion about breaking up with bad boyfriends who refuse to use condoms. Way to go, Form 3!

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